Today, we present
Annie Traurig, organization queen in Seattle by way of Detroit. Although I don't recall which source led me to Annie's blog, I'm just glad I landed there! I have always been slightly obsessed with organization, but that commonality is not the only reason
Live Simply is a daily read for me. Annie does not just provide before-and-after pictures for the common "how-to" where you're left with afterthoughts of the excess and likely hold onto just a smaller section of mess you started with.
Annie's honesty is evident through her writing. She delves into the psychology of stuff and helps her reader understand purpose behind its placement (and, ever-important reasons to just purge). Annie's recommendations for change in ones life are straight-forward and inviting to put into practice. Here are a few of my favorite posts including tips I have bookmarked for present (and future) use:
own interpretation of Live Simply's philosophies |
Isn't it clear why I look forward to each of Annie's posts? With series such as small space solutions (#citygirlproblems), organizational product recommendation/reviews and Monday mantras that support how you can simply, live simply each week, it's all there! What a motto to get on board with!
Be sure to make
Live Simply your next daily read! Annie knows how to show one the beauty in simplicity. It's never too late to implement some
self-discipline in a gal's life!
- Meredith
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